This may go down in history as The Angry Spring, 2016. Not unlike the Arab Spring, this spring of 2016 has the early blooms of summer angers. We have lived…
Description: International Women's Day has been observed since 1908. About 40 years earlier, Julia Ward Howe, tried to speak at peace meetings in London and Paris, but was told:…
Hymn 1: Just as Long As I Have Breath #6 Hymn 2: Winds Be Still #83 Hymn 3: Wake, Now, My Senses #298 Opening Words: From Meditations by Marcus Aurelius…
Description: What can Grace mean in the shadow of fear and destruction? What can Grace mean within a liberal religious community where reason and science temper our understanding of…
Abraham Lincoln was a religious man, and he was a spiritual man, and he was a secular man. He was essentially a very paradoxical man. How can you be religious,…
On this Martin Luther King Sunday, I have chosen to link the life of Dr. King with that of the great Frederick Douglass, who in many ways commanded the same…
The fulcrum for today’s sermon is a book by the former Chief Rabbi of the British Commonwealth, Lord Jonathan Sachs. The title of the book is, “Not in God’s Name:…
“Mr. Fulghum, is it true that you’re a minister?” “Yes.” “Where’s your church?” “We’re standing in it.” “But this is a bookstore and it’s a Friday.” “Yes, but you might…
“Speech gives rise to speech” that’s what a famous German philosopher from the last century wrote: “Speech gives rise to speech.” What could he have meant? Now the philosophy of…
Sermon on Patriotism for Unitarian service, 11/1 In Castine and 11/15 in Belfast. America is a big adolescent boy. Glory, like war, is a boy’s thing and America has had…