Hello Roger? This is Susan. I’m calling to ask if Jennifer might be available on Tuesday after school until about 5:15 to come play with Emily. It’s been too long…
Were you among the millions of people looking up into the sky on Monday afternoon? Did you don the special eclipse glasses to protect your eyes? Maybe, like me, you…
In the Jewish tradition and religion, we are in the middle of High Holy Days, also called The Days of Awe. This is a sacred period of ten days that…
Were you among the millions of people looking up into the sky on Monday afternoon? Did you don the special eclipse glasses to protect your eyes? Maybe, like me, you…
We are called, right now, to make our mark on the face of history. Many a preacher will begin their remarks with words something like: We are living in difficult…
He was sitting on a park bench. He was holding a simple cardboard sign that read Willing to Listen. A woman in her middle years was walking by and noticed…
READING ~ Archbishop Desmond Tutu & His Holiness the 14th Dalia Lama “Forgiving and being reconciled to our enemies or our loved ones are not about pretending that things are…
Reading ~ “Remembering Well” ~ Paul S. Sawyer The first time I ever played “Taps” was at summer camp when I was ten years old. That was the year I started…
“The wise man does not lay up his own treasures. The more he gives to others, the more he has for his own.” ― Lao Tzu READING: Mother - -…
READING from the Gospel of Luke Chapter 19 Jesus Weeps over Jerusalem 41 As he came near and saw the city, he wept over it, 42 saying, “If you, even you, had only…