Opportunity Fund

The Opportunity Fund (OF) at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Castine (UUCC) provides grants to regional non-profit organizations which reflect our UUCC social justice mission. Our region includes 10 towns in Hancock County Maine: Castine, Penobscot, Bucksport/Orland, Brooksville, Blue Hill, Sedgwick, Brooklin, Surry, Deer Isle, and Stonington. The OF does not accept unsolicited proposals; applicants are solicited by invitation only.

The OF was established by UUCC in 2017 as a major focus of congregational philanthropy, in addition to the Pulliam Grant. It is also meant to further engage a responsive and involved congregation in social action. The Fund has benefited from an original gift of Deborah Pulliam.

An Opportunity Fund Committee composed of congregational members and invited community experts meets monthly to discuss new opportunities for support and to monitor effectiveness of funded programs. The Committee prepares an annual report in November.

Periodic congregational surveys guide funding priorities. The most recent survey in January 2024 identified support for our long held priorities: poverty alleviation, homelessness and affordable housing, helping all of our children thrive, Wabanaki cultural awareness and support, and climate change action.

Selected programs can be new or those in need of early funding before being sustainable with larger grants or foundational support. The Fund does not make distributions to individuals but rather funds non-profit organizations with passionate and effective leadership which both clearly connect to the voice of those in need and strives to strengthen collaborative community services.

2023-2024 Grants: Recipients have included:

Community Compass: $15,000 in operating support for crisis navigators linking clients to regional social services and opportunities in the 10 town region.

OutMaine: $15,000 for a Hancock County-wide LGBTQ awareness and support program to inclulde school community education, youth support and gay/straight student allilances.

Building Hope: $5,000 in supporting statewide distribution of the new Kane Lewis documentary film on Maine homelessness and solutions.

Families First: $10,000 in developing a new housing support program for single mothers graduating from their 2-year educational and job training program.

Bagaduce River Kayak Expedition Camp: $10,000 for the inaugural one-week Bagaduce River Expedition Camp for 7-8th grade students selected from four area schools. This popular education trip included kayaking/water safety skills, marine ecology and Wabanaki cultural history.

Bagaduce Watershed Association: $3,000 for an initial school program for 7th graders aboard the “Little Toot” in learning marine ecology and Wabanaki history.

Bucksport Skatepark: $10,000 helping to construct the new community supported skatepark for local youth.

Castine History Partners: $10,000 supporting the Wabanaki interpretive signage program in Castine.

Castine Playground Committee: $10,000 supporting community-wide funding campaign to supplement town funding in major reconstruction of a safe school and community playground.