This Sunday, we welcome our ministerial intern, Amy Fiorilli to our pulpit. She will be delivering a sermon titled, “The Symphony Dream.”
Amy writes, “At this time of year conversations turn to gratitude. We talk about abundance and generosity, blessings and gifts. We turn to thoughts of a better world, where the lines begin to blur between one another in and love and kindness are brought to the forefront of our minds and actions.”
With William Ellery Channing’s poem “The Symphony” as backdrop, Amy will explore a notion of the world as she wishes it to be. To reach this vision there would be great sacrifice required on the part of those already playing in the orchestra. How ready and willing are we to build justice into this world? What would we be willing to give up so that everyone could have a place on stage? How do we make each other braver? Come be lifted by the energy of this beginning holiday season and explore what it might mean to create a world where Channing’s dream is a possibility for all.
The SymphonyTo live content with small means,To seek elegance rather than luxury,And refinement rather than fashion,To be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich,To study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly,To listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart,To bear all cheerfully,Do all bravely,Await occasionsHurry never—In a word to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious,Grow up through the common.This is to be my symphony.— William Ellery Channing
All are welcome!